KACL Lecture Series
#9 : J.k. Chambers 氏
Professor, University of Toronto
Mass Media and Literacy in Language Change
Date : Octover 23, 2001, 17:00--18:30
Place : Kobe Shoin Women's University, Room 1411
Many sciences, including linguistics, assume the Uniformitarian Principle,
holds that the forces that apply today are the same forces that applied in
prehistoric times. But language, unlike gravity and earthquakes, is a human
attribute, and subject to acts of volition and intention. We should ask if
social and cultural forces, which have altered cataclysmically in the last 200
years, might have an impact on contemporary language change as never before. I
will review changes in mobility, life expectancy, mass communications,
urbanization and mass media. I will then look closely at two of these, mass
and mass literacy, for evidence of influence on the way languages vary and
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