KACL Lecture Series
#1 : Masayoshi Shibatani
Kobe University
On Dative Subject Constructions
Date : June 29, 2000, 17:30---
Place : Kobe Shoin Women's University, Room 1232
The so-called dative subject constructions, where what appears to
be a subject is marked by a dative and other oblique case as in
the Latin example, Mihi est liber 'I have a book,' have been a
center of focused attention for more than the last two decades,
especially among the specialists of South Asian languages,
Japanese, Icelandic, Quechua, and others in which a similar
type of construction exists. The past analyses assume that the
construction-type in question is transitive, or at least at some
level of representation as in Relational Grammar, and that the
dative-marked experiencer/possessor nominal is the subject of a
simplex clause. I claim that these past efforts are misguided
--- literally misguided by the structure of Modern English,
in which the possessors/experiencers of the near-synonymous
expressions are encoded as grammatical subjects in the
transitive frame. In this paper I endeavor to show that the
so-called dative subject constructions are similar in structure
and meaning to the double subject construction, instantiated,
for example, by the so-called external possessor or possessor
ascension construction; e.g. Japanese [Taroo ga [atama ga ookii]]
(Taro NOM head NOM big) 'Taro has a big head,' Nepali [ram-ko
[taauko dukheko cha]] (Ram-GEN head.NOM hurt be) 'Ram has a headache'). Namely, the constructions in question have a complex structure
with two subjects, "large" subject and "small" subject. Semantic
motivations for the distributional pattern of subject properties
over these two subjects are also explored.
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