「From word to letter: 単語から始める英文ライティング/Peter Mallett, Keiko Yamauchi」
配架場所: 第1書庫3層
From Word to Letter is a composition textbook aimed at
intermediate level university students.
The book begins with the basic unit of composition - the word -
looking at different sorts of words and usage. These units are built into clauses, sentences, paragraphs and, finally, letters - personal and business. At the same time, the book teaches students how to write about themselves and their hobbies, tell a story and use different types of language for formal and informal situations.
Each chapter gives guided exercises for particular problems of written English often encountered by Japanese students and ends with a Free Writing exercise in which they can express their own ideas on a given topic.
山内 啓子先生
ライティングの基本と捉え、その単語を彩り、膨らませてsentence, paragraphへと進化させ、最終的にはフォーマルな手紙letterも完成させることができるように、段階を経て分かりやすく書かれています。